72.78 pc pass, 20,136 obtain GPA-5 in 10 boards
DU Correspondent

The results of the Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) and its equivalent Alim and HSC in Business Management examinations under ten education boards this year marked a surprise downturn in pass rate and GPA scoring compared to that of last year. On average 72.78 percent students passed while as many as 20,136 examinees achieved highest grade point average (GPA)-5.
According to the results published on Saturday, the average pass percentage under eight education boards is 70.14 this year as against 74.85 last year. The pass percentage under Madrasa Board is 84.14 while that in Technical Education Board is 80.74. Taken all together the overall average pass percentage under ten education boards is 72.18 against 76.19 last year.
The pass percentage under the Dhaka Education Board is 71.53, Rajshahi 70.47, Comilla 66.99, Jessore 78.77, Chittagong 76.31, Barisal 67.20, Sylhet 73.96 and Dinajpur 55.90.
A total of 4, 42,389 examinees came out successful in the examinations out of 6, 07,872 students who appeared from the ten education boards. Of the successful students, a total of 20,136 students secured GPA-5 (Grade Point Average), the highest grade point, which is 1909 less than that of the previous year from the ten education boards. A total of 18,222 students got GPA-5 from eight general education boards this year. Of the total number of students securing GPA-5, 12,088 are male and 8048 female.
Under the Dhaka Board, a total of 9450 students (5465 male and 3985 female) secured GPA-5 while 2229 students (1314 male and 915 female) got GPA-5 from Rajshahi Board.
Besides, 601 students (369 male, 232 female) got GPA-5 from Comilla Board, 2093 (male 1219, female 874) from Jessore Board, 1448 (male 759, female 689) from Chittagong Board, 574 (male 318, female 256) from Barisal Board, 439 (male 258, female 181) from Sylhet Board, 1388 (male 830, female 558) from Dinajpur Board, 1894 (male 1545, female 349) from Madrasa Board, and 20 (male 11, female 9) from the Technical Education Board.
Out of 152470 students a total of 1, 09,060 passed from Dhaka Board, out of 74,274 students 52,339 from Rajshahi Board, out of 41,199 students 27,598 from Comilla Board, out of 73,264 students 57,713 from Jessore Board , Out of 41,498 students 31,668 from Chittagong Board, out of 29,720 students 19,972 from Barisal Board, out of 18,136 students 13,413 from Sylhet, out of 58,541 students 32,722 from Dinajpur Board, out of 58,978 students 49,626 from Madrasa Board and out of 59,792 students 48,278 from Technical Education Board.
As many as 6, 07,872 students -- 3, 33,505 boys and 2, 74,367 girls -- appeared in this year's HSC and its equivalent examinations and 442389 of them -- 245588 boys and 196801 girls --passed. Among the GPA-5 holders, 12088 are boys and 8048 are girls. Pass percentages for boys and girls are 73.64 and 71.73 against 76.69 and 75.57 of last year.
Last year, 76.19 per cent students passed and 22,045 students achieved GPA-5 in the second largest public examinations. The pass percentage was 65.60 in 2007, 65.65 in 2006 and 59.74 in 2005.