War criminals' trial won't be a victor's justice: FM
War criminals' trial won't be a victor's justice: FM
Foreign Minister Dipu Moni yesterday said she has been attending international conferences and meeting with foreign leaders to garner support for the government's move to try the war criminals of 1971.

She said Pakistan appears to be unwilling to see the trial of war criminals fearing embarrassment and is eager to hold talks with Bangladesh on the issue.
She also said the influx of Rohingya refugees is not a new phenomenon; the Rakhine people have been intruding into Bangladesh since long.
Dipu was speaking at a press briefing at the foreign ministry prior to leaving Dhaka for Singapore to attend a conference.
She said she met with Pakistan's State Minister for Foreign Affairs Nawabzada Malik Ahmad Khan on May 24 during the OIC foreign ministers' meeting in Damascus and that at the OIC summit she urged Islamabad to try Pakistani war criminals to meet international obligation.
State Minister for Foreign Affairs Hasan Mahmud and other senior foreign ministry officials were also present at the briefing.
Source: The Daily Star
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